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Canvas Prints

Your photo canvas prints are printed on 350 gsm polyester with a feel comparable to that of painting canvas. Because canvas absorbs pollution, it's best to keep it away from smoky or dusty areas. Polyester is a durable material that offers long-lasting prints: your photo canvas print will not fade and the colors will remain vibrant over time.

Fabric Banners

A flex banner is a cloth that is made up of two layers of PVC and one layer of high-strength mesh fabric. The flex banner is very light and thin. A flex banner printer is frequently used to print various designs on flex banners that serve as attractive elements.

Flex Banners

Personalised banners are a wonderful choice for low-cost, high-impact indoor and outdoor advertising. PVC banner printing is the finest option if you need a large format customised banner. PVC banners are commonly used for outdoor fairs and market advertising, but in recent years, more businesses have begun to take use of their outdoor effectiveness.

Mesh/Reflective Vinyl

Mesh and Reflective vinyl's are great for indoor and outside use. They are great for office branding on glasses, construction sites and outdoor events, as they allow air(mesh) and reflective vinyl surface provides a unique, reflective appearance to high-visibility signs displaying a quality image.

Rigid Display Boards

Rigid Display Boards are a diverse category in Brand Profesor, with a wide range of materials and sizes. We can offer Display Boards in the best materials available on the market with the highest HD printing quality, according on your requirements and type of use, whether for business or personal use.

Vinyl – Adhesive PVC

Vinyl stickers are perfect for adding a personal touch to products or personal items. Flat surface stickers are also useful for individuals who want to promote their business in a quick, simple, and modern way.